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Showing posts from April, 2018

Hell...and Heaven

Hell Hell is real. Don’t let anyone tell you otherwise. If anyone tells you that hell doesn’t exist tell them to give me a call. I am well acquainted with hell. It comes in many forms. In fact, there are as many versions of hell as there are people on earth. You know this is true. Just imagine that everything that could possibly go wrong in your life actually goes wrong and there is no remedy - just an unending series of disasters and disappointments that stretches on for years and years and years. Or Imagine that for some reason it seems that you can no longer feel positive emotion just about no matter what you do.  Not only that, but then you discover that you have lost interest in everything you used to love to do. Then your own mind turns against you. Your mind is filled with an incessant voice telling you how stupid and pathetic you are. Sometimes it even tells you that you're a burden to everyone you love and they'd be better off with out you. "Just kill y